World Evangelism Worship Centre

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Some lessons are not taught but can be learned when the Lord takes you unto the Experience of Himself, you surrender your will unto the will of the Lord and allow Him to take you deep in the waters, fire of life and valley of death then shall you have the heart of God for His Redemption.

What Will You Learn?

  • The NEW World Evangelism School of Ministry Online provides an amazing new way to study the bible.
  • With our enhanced study programs, powerful e-learning tools, and a virtual worldwide community of fellow students, you can prepare yourself for ministry or pursue a deeper understanding of God’s word.

Course Content

The Names; Character & Nature of God
Let the Names of God Transform Your Faith in this powerful audio course! Man’s chief end and ultimate purpose is to know God, and this occurs through an unfolding revelation of who He truly is, for John 17:3 declares: “And this is life eternal; that they may know thee, the only one true God.” In grasping a deeper knowledge of who God is thorough each revelation of His name, we begin to discover the ultimate purpose for which we exist—to know our magnificent, unfathomable, mighty God in all His power forever and ever.

  • Twelve revelation Names of God
  • Three Primary Names
  • The Five Secondary Names
  • Nine Major Jehovah Names

The Foundations of the Doctrine of Scripture
Kennedy Musenge begins this powerful School of Ministry study by pointing to Luke 1:1-4 and the four pillars of the purpose of doctrinal study: we must know doctrine, we must set it forth in order, we must declare it, and we must believe it. Apostle Kennedy says: You cannot know the most important doctrines of Scripture unless you know God. That comes from the study and practice of God’s truth. Job 11:4 tells us, ` My doctrine is pure.’ God’s doctrine is pure. It produces a pure life, and when you receive God’s doctrine, it produces holiness, not sin. This is one of the most exciting School of Ministry classes I’ve taught, and I pray that your life will be changed as you go through these sessions again and again. Matthew 16:13-23 reveals the basic foundational studies featured in this course, including the following: The Doctrine of God The Doctrine of Man The Doctrine of Devils Now, more than ever, we must heed the need to study the doctrinal foundations, knowing that: “the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1).

Life In The Son
Move Beyond The Everyday & Into The Extraordinary! These lessons, taught by Apostle Kennedy at the World Evangelism School of Ministry, present timeless biblical principles for moving into a deeper dimension with Almighty God. God desires an intimate, eternal relationship with you. Discover for yourself how to step into His presence, anointing, wisdom, and victory! Pastor Kennedy says: “Today’s believers are living in the most exciting time in history. These are the days in which we must discern the times with wisdom as we learn how to walk in the supernatural—moment by moment. My prayer for you is that Life in the Son will help and keep you in the center of God’s will as you move from the everyday into the extraordinary!”

The Man in Christ/The Mind of Christ
Grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ. As you give more of your life to God, He will give you more of His. This beautiful exchange happens when you draw nearer to God through understanding more about the often mysterious and great Holy Spirit. In this insightful study, discover how to gain these three essential components to a radical Christian faith: Spiritual sight Spiritual life Spiritual union

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